Bone Bagani

There are unknown numbers of Wakwak clans as the number of nomads are as vast as there are leaves in the jungle and in part because Wakwak clans are formed so quickly by boastful young chiefs advocating for their many gods, glory, and war; they are decimated just as fast as leaves fall.  Most of the more “civilized” chiefdoms and cities have no problems dispatching the club wielding savages who dare encroach on their settlements.  The Wakwak chiefs eventually become political currency in dungeons and that story repeats time and again.  The Bone Bagani are different, they have been biding their time, swallowing up other Wakwak clans and bolstering their numbers.  There is a cunning and it’s hinted at their complex tactics never before seen in deep jungle clans.  Increased raids have been occurring on the roads of Nushaba, home to one of the strongest settlements on the continent.  They are reported to appear in the night, wearing cattle skull helms, and skittish villagers that live in the outskirts call them beast-men.  Their numbers are unknown, their leader is unknown, also their intent is unknown.  All we know is they are watching us in the night and what they wear on their heads.

-Chancellor Cailles of Warida


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